I was 9 when the anime first aired in the US, in 1998, and was hooked almost immediately. I got a GameBoy Color and Pokemon Red for Christmas, along with enough money to go buy Pokemon Blue the day after. I've purchased and played at least one game from every generation since - one of my favorite collections! I'm actually working on figuring out how best to introduce my son to the game, now - I want to play through some iteration of every generation with him if I can manage it.
A Lemmy community dedicated to Pokémon.
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I saved and bought a Gameboy color. I had enough to get one game. Pokémon Crystal was just out, so I got that. My mother got me Donkey Kong Country for having saved. Man Crystal was so cool! I got to be me! Surely I'll be able to do that in all games!
My friend from Japan showed me this cool new franchise that was coming over to America. I also got to see a Pokémon green cartridge in person.
I assume it was the original tv series broadcasting when I came out of school, but it could also have been the Pokémon cards that my classmates and kids in the neighbourhood had. Really not sure what came first. But what completely sealed the deal for me and why I love Pokémon still 25 years later was one of my best friends in primary school. She had the gameboy color with Pokémon Yellow and Crystal and I got to play on it every time I was at her place. At one point we also started collecting the cards together. Since I had no borthers or sisters, my parents took my friend on vacation with us as well, and we would spend all day playing on the gameboy or sorting our cards. Still one of my favorite memories ever.
I cant remember what came first, all i know is i had a vhs of the first pokemon episode and the first thing i bought with money i earned myself was a gameboycolor and pokemon yellow.
It was probably around '98, I saw a Pikachu keychain at the local card store and I absolutely had to have it. It just went from there.
That is about when I really started to be aware of it. My roommate played, but I could not afford a GameBoy. He offered to buy one for me and sadly I passed on it. I got into it a few years later with my daughter.
I was a teenager in the late '90s and the Pokémon anime show started airing on TV in the US. I remember catching the very first episode to air on TV and thinking that this show seemed really awesome! If I hurried, I could just barely catch it every day as I was arriving home from school.
Also, the Pokémon trading card game became a national phenomenon and everyone my age and younger was collecting the cards and trading/battling with them. I was awful at card games, but I collected a decent amount of first generation cards. I still have them to this day, neatly arranged in a binder.
I never got into the games. I watched some of my friends play them, but I hardly ever owned Nintendo consoles, and never Pokémon games. When I did finally get a chance to play a Pokémon game, it wasn't really fun. Not my kind of game, anyway.
I remember someone releasing a fan-made 3D open-world Pokémon game online a little over a decade ago and it was the coolest thing I'd ever played! But Nintendo refused to make an actual open-world game for... reasons. Fans demanded it, but Nintendo wouldn't budge. They wanted to stick with their old formula, which keep loyal fans loyal, but also kept other gamers out of the franchise.
The success of Zelda: Breath of the Wild must've changed their mind, though. Just the other day, I was watching a buddy of mine live-steam a Pokémon game and it was an open world 3D map to explore, so I guess Nintendo got there eventually. But video games have progressed a ton in the past decade and it's not that impressive anymore, so I'm still not that interested in playing it.
I have been a fan of anime in general since I lived in Japan for a few years in my late teens/early 20s. It was my lifelong goal to find a complete collection of Pokémon episodes in its original Japanese, since I don't like English dubs. It always loses some of its original culture and context when it's translated into another language. However, Pokémon is the one anime series that's eluded me all these years.
I couldn't figure out why this show didn't have an easy-to-find original. Turns out, it was dubbed in the era of 4Kids, when they didn't care about preserving the original show's story and instead made up their own American-specific dubs to appeal to American audiences. As well as arranging the events in each episode to match their new dub, so you couldn't just play the original Japanese audio over it. Finding the original show in America is pretty much impossible, thanks to the 4Kids version being extremely popular in its day and dominating the US market.
I just recently found the original show in high(ish) quality on Japan's Amazon Prime. So at 40 years old, I can finally watch Pokémon in its original Japanese format and not the butchered American version that changes everyone's (and every Pokémon's) names, removes Japanese cultural references, and mixes up the plot and whatnot. I'm already a handful of episodes in and it's excellent!
Even though I have the reverse perspective on the games (I do like open world games, but I like the old formula you speak of better for Pokémon), we probably share an opinion subs over dubs. Interesting read, thanks for typing all that out! This is the kind of response I was really hoping to get to my question, and I am really enjoying the answers everyone put here.
It was the Gameboy commercial when red/blue came out.
I saw it and was like, "What's this game about? Those creatures are so cute! You collect them? I need to check this out!" I babysat a bunch, saved my money, bought Pokemon Red, and I was hooked. I started watching the animated series, collecting the TCG, and playing with friends. Been engaged ever since.
many other kids in my school when I was ~9 playing it (the original Hoenn games) and enjoying watching them over the shoulder, then deciding I wanted to play this too
This motivated me a bit too, I knew my classmates liked Pokémon so I checked it out a bit to find out why.
Too bad I actually, properly got into it over a decade later.
I was losing weight. I had lost as much as diet by itself was going to change. I needed to move more. This was right as Pokemon Go was released and the headlines were "Kids aren't used to walking this much." Well that's exactly what I needed for those last 10 pounds.
I miscalculated. Accidentally lost 20. But the plan worked.
In 2021 I broke my back. It took years just to get the goal of "I would like to be able to walk five miles again." A few weeks ago I pulled it off. Pokemon Go was there with me to keep me moving. I hurt. I hurt a lot. I probably shouldn't have done it. But I pulled it off.
I certainly hope you're staying healthy, but I'm glad you managed to hit your goal. I'll be honest, I'm not sure what to say to a story like this without it coming off performative.
Healthy enough weight wise. I managed to regain the excessive 10 pounds of loss after a few years which helped. Now all my problems are sleep apnea and back related. Stressing my back is painful but absolutely necessary. But I definitely overdid it that day.
Yesterday and today I moved a lot of mud with a shovel because the septic tank was full and needed the cap uncovered and, after pumping, recovered. Not pleasant but good for the back.
The hamster had lightning wizardry.
In 2003 my 4 year old daughter wanted to play. I went whole hog and got us a gameboy color, pokemon red and yellow. We did not play much, but the next year Leaf Green released. So I traded my GBC for a GBA SP and have been playing ever since.
It was the end of the 90s, I was 13/14 years old and I hadn't been exposed to much Japanese animation when it started airing on UK TV so I was fascinated with this new, wild style of animated show that was so different to Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network I grew up on. Cartoon Network showed Dragon Ball Z but I have never thought that was any good.
Oh and there was a game that went along with the show too! Young mind blown!
I was tangentially aware of it because of the internet, and sometimes looked into it a bit more out of general curiosity. I think it was because the little critters looked cute, and I knew a lot of people liked it and was curious about its popularity.
The show was on TV when I was 6 and my parents bought me a booster pack or whatever it was called at the time. Got a shiny Zapdos that my bully later stole from me. Never saw it again.
1999 got an N64 with Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap.
Kids WB
I was young and my cousin let me start over his save after he beat Pokemon Red. Saw the cute lil turtle and fell in love and have been playing ever since.
Collecting them all has always been a dream that is why I love the Pokemon Legacy rom hack series. It brings what I wanted in my childhood to life.
I'm finding a few hacks called Pokémon Legacy, can you point me to the one you play?
There are three! Pokemon Yellow Legacy, Pokemon Crystal Legacy, and Pokemon Emerald Legacy.
I'm just gonna give you my DropBox link cause it is annoying to do it through the Github that the creator made.
You only need the folder called Legacy GBA Games.
Here is the DropBox link. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z57gzo14sdj12u2lglv9d/ALwhHCM67ZEmzdLi7bxBLGE?rlkey=77a40nw4iugt9bmcfol3ckdq8&st=nxlugpi2&dl=0
Tell me if the link is working or not.
The folder called Legacy Games Full Documentation has stuff like Pokemon location list. What moves pokemon learn and all that useful stuff. It is completely ignorable.
And just in case you do want to do it yourself here is the creators GitHub page and youtube.
Your link works! Thanks for both the Dropbox and the GitHub. I'll probably use your Dropbox to play but I like reading dev thoughts on their GitHub. And I am sure some who stumble on this post will probably prefer videos to show them how to do stuff.
Oh wait, that's Portal
For anyone curious what this actually is it is a video of arbitrary code execution in a copy of Pokémon Yellow, including but not limited to that Portal song "Still Alive".
Yes but it's a Pokémon video that introduced me to Portal. Not quite what you were looking for but close enough?
Anyway, I had heard of Pokémon before that but my curiosity was sparked by a VHS of the first Pokémon movie I found in a cabin on a cca-2016 sleepover and watched on the crappy setup there. It sparked some nostalgia for my peers, some of whom have owned a GBA.
In that case it was absolutely not what I was looking for at all, but your second paragraph in this comment was.