Lemmy Apps
A home for discussion of Lemmy apps and tools for all platforms.
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Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts is a great place to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience. [email protected]
Lemmy Integrations is a community about all integrations with the lemmy API. Bots, Scripts, New Apps, etc. [email protected]
Lemmy Bots and Tools is a place to discuss and show off bots, tools, front ends, etc. you’re making that relate to lemmy. [email protected]
Lemmy App Development is a place for Lemmy builders to chat about building apps, clients, tools and bots for the Lemmy platform. [email protected]
For reference, the video in this post is what I'm talking about:
Strange. I find that sh.reddit was significantly faster than the original new reddit. It also uses a framework that is more close to native html than whatever they were using before.
Well, its way slower because new reddit used some prerendering. Also, in the beginning, it was a slow mess.
Also, whats your profile picture of?
My profile picture is some random sunset. No idea where it's from or where I got it.