I don't know a single owner's name at the dog park, yet I could describe and recount the names of most of the furry creatures we have met.
High Quality Memes
Sick of seeing perfectly good memes ruined by a bad crop, stupid emojis, needless censoring, useless red circles, or worse... jpegification?
Well, come all you weary travelers and enjoy a respite of high quality memes.
Be Respectful
Why does this need to be said? -
Due Diligence
Not all memes are going to be perfect quality. You can share memes of a lesser quality, provided you have at least tried to find a higher quality version.
It's sometimes all about the dog, but not always.
As kids we have this amazing ability to make friends. You just walk up to someone and say "Hi! Wanna be friends?" or "My favourite colour is yellow, what's yours???" and boom, you're in.
As adults we become socially more conscious and more afraid. Wr don't feel as comfortable volunteering information about ourselves, or asking questions of others. We put our guard up and feel like we can't talk without a reason.
But it turns out that "Hey nice dog! Are they friendly?" is a great way to start a conversation because it's not about any of the people present, it's about a neutral entity that doesn't mind the attention. Dogs are a great way to make friends!
Also, dogs are awesome and fluffy soo..... ^^