You could get away with that back when the peak of military technology was fancy pointed sticks.
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Fight in the open, like men!
In the true Pictish style: blue and breezy.
The main reason was because of the way battles used to be fought. In the open. Guerilla tactics didn't really start to take off until much later, even taking until the revolutionary war to really become a normal part of warfare. Simply put, once you are able to shoot and kill people, in full plate armor, from hundreds of feet away and escape without being seen, combat changed forever.
Being more difficult to spot and hit at a distance became a priority vs flashy protective measures like platemail.
"Honor is a grand thing for the dead, and a poor substitute for winning to the living"
-Alexander Brit
You forgot all the colorful tape we put above the camo to not get hit by friendlies.
I think the time is a bit off, this is more 14th century armour. (But I don't know how much blending there was in between.)
That’s just a bretonnian knight
Ah nice, I don't play Warhammer so I didn't know. They're apparently based on 14th century knights 🤘🏻
I wasn’t saying you’re wrong, I was just being daft about it
All good, I didn't take it that way. I know very little about Warhammer, so I found it genuinely interesting that there are pretty historically accurate looking knights.
I mean this drawing looks quite similar to the ones you find in history books or the depictions in museums. I quite like it and thought it was one of those. So, thanks for the hint ;)
To be fair, we are probably going back to having soldiers wear flashy clothes while they pilot their drones from their bunker.