I'm Rob. I have a background was in electronic music production, music mastering, location sound for (very amateur) film, field recording and sound design, etc.
I had a very unrelated career and transitioned into tech a number of years ago. In 2021 I started getting into audio coding with ChucK. I found the edges of it pretty quickly and moved over to C++ for my audio ambitions. I made a detour into Rust but didn't stick around.
I am currently working on my own audio engine. The primary goal is to create music and sonic art with it. A secondary goal is to open source the project and start blogging about it. If anything listed below is interesting to you and you would like to read about it in a blog, please let me know!
Details about the engine:
- the core is a directed signal graph
- allows feedback loops without breaking acyclicity
- type level IO matching: intellisense/compiler enforcement for connecting nodes
- IO types can be anything, doesn't have to be audio
- compiles as a static library with CMake
- test suite with GTest
- Audio output with PortAudio
- .wav output with Libwave
- MIDI input with RtMidi (kind of buggy)
So far I have used to the engine to build a few GUI-less tools:
- wavetable oscillator with stereo detune
- NxOsc - N oscillator subtractive synth
- data and target agnostic step sequencer
- Filters and EQs
- Various envelopes: ADSR, automation clip
I am re-inventing the wheel with a lot of this, but it's helped me understand how to invent wheels which is pretty cool.