Don't forget that he was taking pictures in Pecker (by John Waters). A great movie, I love that guy.
Lovecraft Mythos - Cosmic Horror
H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos is a shared universe far larger and more terrifying than that of humanity, where ancient, malevolent beings known as the Great Old Ones slumber in the depths of space or time. After Lovecraft's death, the Mythos has been expanded and developed by many authors, including August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, and Robert E. Howard. These and many other authors have helped to flesh out the Mythos into a rich and complex Dark Universe.
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Mixed oneirologist up with onanist, gave that sentence a fairly different flavour
It’s the third Lovecraft adaptation from writer-director Chad Ferrin, following 2020’s The Deep Ones and 2024’s The Old Ones.
So it's going to be bad with some good ideas and excellent creature design, is what I'm hearing.
Can't be worse than the last adaptation of beyond the wall of sleep