When I was a kid I thought they were balloons and tried to pick one up until it stung me. Brutal for a young child who thought the world was safe to explore
c/photography is a community centered on the practice of amateur and professional photography. You can come here to discuss the gear, the technique and the culture related to the art of photography. You can also share your work, appreciate the others' and constructively critique each others work.
Please, be sure to read the rules before posting.
- Be nice to each other
This Lemmy Community is open to civil, friendly discussion about our common interest, photography. Excessively rude, mean, unfriendly, or hostile conduct is not permitted.
- Keep content on topic
All discussion threads must be photography related such as latest gear or art news, gear acquisition advices, photography related questions, etc...
- No politics or religion
This Lemmy Community is about photography and discussion around photography, not religion or politics.
- No classified ads or job offers
All is in the title. This is a casual discussion community.
- No spam or self-promotion
One post, one photo in the limit of 3 pictures in a 24 hours timespan. Do not flood the community with your pictures. Be patient, select your best work, and enjoy.
If you want contructive critiques, use [Critique Wanted] in your title.
Flair NSFW posts (nudity, gore, ...)
Do not share your portfolio (instagram, flickr, or else...)
The aim of this community is to invite everyone to discuss around your photography. If you drop everything with one link, this become pointless. Portfolio posts will be deleted. You can however share your portfolio link in the comment section if another member wants to see more of your work.
Sounds like the time I accidentally kicked a sea urchin under the water. The needles got under my toe nails. I wanted to be put in a coma to not deal with that, lol.
You can actually touch the bladder part, but the tentacles pack a punch. I’ve been stung twice including once when I stepped on one on the beach. It’s like a horrible combination of fire and electricity. 0/5 do not recommend.
I remember being fascinated by pictures of them as a kid but I didn't know they were a colony
Time to play a game of forbidden hot potato!
We have something similar on the west coast. Thing just floats around wreaking havoc. Nobody can say for sure how big the colony is. We call it the great pacific garbage patch.
They wanna keep us down
But they can't last
When we get up
We're gonna kick your ass
Gonna keep on burning
We always will
Other bands play, Manowar kills
Other bands play, Manowar kills
Pain balloons
Like how we write "cattles"?