this post was submitted on 03 Aug 2023
8 points (100.0% liked)

Counter-Strike 2

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Welcome to cs2, a community for fans of Counter-Strike 2, the sequel to the legendary first-person shooter game. Here you can share your gameplay clips, tips, tricks, guides, fan art, memes, and more. Please read the rules before posting and be respectful to other players. Enjoy your stay and have fun!


  1. Be civil and respectful. No personal attacks, insults, harassment, hate speech, or trolling.
  2. Stay on topic. Only post content related to Counter-Strike 2 or its developer Valve. No spam, self-promotion, or off-topic discussions.
  3. Follow the etiquette and the Lemmy Code of Conduct. Do not post illegal, harmful, or offensive content. Do not brigade, vote manipulate, or abuse the report system.
  4. Use appropriate flair and spoiler tags. Flair your posts according to their type and use spoiler tags when discussing unreleased or sensitive information.
  5. Have fun and enjoy the game. This is a friendly community for sharing your passion and enthusiasm for Counter-Strike 2. Be supportive and constructive to other players and have a good time!

founded 2 years ago

A Level Playing Field

Counter-Strike is at its best when teams compete on a level playing field and when ability is the only limit to their success.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen professional Counter-Strike drift away from that ideal. The ecosystem has become gradually less open, with access to the highest levels of competition increasingly gated by business relationships.

We think that Counter-Strike should be an open sport. So we’re going to add new requirements to running large-scale competitive events. The finer details are still in progress, but here are the broad strokes:

  • Tournament organizers will no longer have unique business relationships or other conflicts of interest with teams that participate in their events.
  • Invitations to all tournaments will use our ranking system (detailed here), or otherwise be determined by open qualifiers.
  • Any compensation for participating teams—prize pool or otherwise—will be made public and will be driven by objective criteria that can be inspected by the community.

Since tournament organizers have existing long term commitments, these requirements will take effect as of 2025. There will be some rough edges to the transition, but we’re committed to the long-term health of Counter-Strike as a sport and are looking forward to its bright and open future.

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