Not much, as every time I've tried to make an edit, it's been instantly reverted by some apparently extremely uptight person.
A place to share interesting articles from Wikipedia.
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It takes awhile to get used to Wikipedia and the genera flow of things, trying to edit very big/popular articles is not a great place to start because of this unfortunately.
I've never had too much issues with this. So long as its written well, relevant, and you've used reliable sourcing, it takes a lot more effort for someone to dispute it .
I did stuff like add punctuation or fix grammar, and it was instantly reverted with rude comments. I looked and the person who did it is some insanely lame person who seemed to live on wikipedia, so... okay...
I started the page on AFOLs back in ye olden time.
And I regularly nag the mediawiki people to finally do something about their documentation.
Fixing typos.