I like the idea but fear few games will be made for this limited market. This will lead to the old chicken egg idea.
I do need a new ereader though....
For gamebooks like Chose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf, etc. whether that's in book form or apps or other formats of interactive fiction.
Elsewhere in the Fediverse:
I like the idea but fear few games will be made for this limited market. This will lead to the old chicken egg idea.
I do need a new ereader though....
If someone could make a script to turn old books into the games, it might be a genuine use of ai, not to write the books, but to format existing ones into a format that is usable.
Why on Earth does this need to be a "console" with cartridges? A normal epub with links could achieve the same thing without creating additional e-waste.
I love this idea and very much miss single use electronics, but you gotta wonder how long this thing is gonna be supported.
Niche products like this, without any larger backing? I'd wager not very long.
I wonder how many actual CYOA books you could buy for the cost of one of these bad boys?