Percentage population increases since 1961:
Humans: 161.85%
Farmed chickens: 1,071.43%
Farmed pigs: 375%
Farmed sheep and goats: 275%
Cows: 178.61%
God dammit jesus fucking christ I was looking for an optimistic take where I showed you guys that farmed animal populations haven't gone up as fast as the human population but I was WRONG, not only are there many more of us but on average each one of us is also having radically more animals tortured on our behalves. Shit. Everyone wants to be middle class and here we are in our western post middle class phase going "No please, it's not what you think it is, we beg you" looking like absolute hypocrites. How do you convince the world to go vegan without looking like you're merely asking them to forego the luxury that your own liberal society has been dumping on you your entire life?