i don't know much about the inner workings at utd, but amorim sure seems to bring him up a lot to the press... if this loan happens, i fully expect rashford to thrive out of spite if nothing else.
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He said that he will not play any player he doesn't feel they give their 100%, media filled in Rashford's name.
We asked for standards at United, this is what that looks like, Fergie shipped players out for less.
Rashford has terrible people around him, he has had disciplinary issues multiple times now, then the moment he gets dropped for a game he goes to a journalist and talks about how he wants a new challenge.
this while he did fuck all all season, and being the third highest wage player.
The press keeps asking about him. Lol
still- most managers don't really criticize their players like that... it could be that rashford is as bad as he says, hurting the ethic of the team with his lack of effort/focus or what-have-you, but from my perspective these criticisms are unbecoming while the whole team is underperforming.
It's not that he's criticizing him all the time. People keep asking and he's giving the same answer each time he's asked.