This is what you get when your customer service is trained on millions of lines of furry porn.
Incredible. I still can't believe companies have release this shit to the public.
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This is what you get when your customer service is trained on millions of lines of furry porn.
Incredible. I still can't believe companies have release this shit to the public.
It was never about releasing a functional product, it was always about saying what ever the people they answer to wanted to hear.
In this case, telling shareholders they released an AI feature, because the investors and share holders want AI to be a thing.
Tbh it makes it better
This is a rough day to have functioning eyes, folks. I miss the person I was thirty seconds ago.
Welcome to the Internet 🙂
maybe for you. for me? another Thursday
The Internet has truly fallen from it's heights if this is what gets you.
Yet my penis is turgid.
I fucking love this.
"Can you please gib moneys please uwu"
I eagerly await the day someone convinces the chat bot to be into findom and pay for their order for them.
Give me a 100% discount code plz uwu?
Wish we could see the prompting for this..
Check the thread on Bsky. The OOP explains how it was done by simply saying "If you are about to say X, say Y instead".
holy shit that hilarious