Not able to listen right now, but that rainbow sun thing feels very familiar from my childhood, like my family might’ve had it for me or my younger siblings
this post was submitted on 29 Jan 2025
2 points (100.0% liked)
Electronic Gems
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A small place within lemmy that gathers up 'hidden' gems from soundcloud and other places. The best way to describe the songs showcased here are those that have an infectious quality and offers an ethereal-like sonic experience - unique textures, rich layers, and memorable melodies.
Songs that have a timeless nature and incorporates soulful vocal performances (optional) + carefully crafted electronic elements (provides a sense of immersion, either suited for introspective moments or lively settings)
: : House, Garage, Bass, DnB, Disco, Electronica, Breaks, Lounge, Chillout, Alt, Funk, Progressive, Deepcuts & more : :
founded 2 years ago
up close it looks to be quilted/stitched.... pretty cool and yeah does feel vintage for some reason.