this post was submitted on 01 Aug 2023
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A place for posting and discussing your score-based music.

For music theory questions, check out our good friends over at [email protected].

Rules for the sub:

Always provide a score if you are posting music:

A SCORE MUST BE PROVIDED. Audio is optional. Graphic scores are welcome; a score is defined as anything which is intended for a performer to interpret and read from. A screenshot of your DAW project or piano roll is not a graphic score.

Posting a commission:

All commission posts must include a single line of text at the end providing concise information on compensation. If it's unpaid you can specify that. Any commissions which violate this rule will be removed.

Tone and Civility:

All posts and comments should be respectful and courteous. Composers are here to learn or to help one another; insulting and bashing is not in the spirit of education or supporting fellow artists and will not be accepted. Disagreements are welcome; hostility is not.

One word answers/comments often lead to hostile reactions while at the same time adding absolutely nothing to the overall discussion. They will be removed at the discretion of the moderators.

founded 2 years ago

Here's a Global Music Composition bibliography I've been working on the past couple years. Initially grew out of Thai Music Composition bibliography, the entries of which haven't all been added to the Global bib. I've compiled them as an aid for composers (especially those with ethnic heritage's outside of Europe/North America) to engage with actual composition traditions that have existed outside of the Western Composition tradition.

A lot of this has grown out of my own practice as a composer and work with a number of minoritized communities in the US, as well as in interaction with other US based composers who've been meaningfully engaging with the composition traditions tied to their ethnic backgrounds.

But really, the big inspiration was the publication of The TENG Guide to the Chinese Orchestra in 2019 which is an outstanding resource for Chinese Orchestra theory, orchestration, and composition. I took me on a journey looking at composition and music theory programs, especially in bi/polymusical education systems globally.

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there doesn't seem to be anything here