Unfortunately, most cigarettes use castoreum, which is derived from the anal gland of beavers. American Spirits and another one don't use it I think, but the rest do.
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I’d like to know how someone found this out and its “benefit” to a cigarette.
Stop playing with animal arses
It's a natural, contains no chemicals, very healthy herbal alternative
We can argue that the filter is chemical, so may be, get ride of it
The only thing that doesn't contain chemicals is a vacuum
No built-in battery either, which means it doesn't rely on any conflict minerals.
Instead of slowly killing the workers who make it, it slowly kills the end consumer ...... but in our capitalist system, it probably does both.
Is it really all-natural though?
as a former smoker, those still look delicious...
I'm four years free of cigarettes but, yes, they still look nice. I don't actually crave them, though. It's more nostalgic for me at this point.