this post was submitted on 14 Jan 2025
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[–] Sanctus 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

As long as it rolls into Battleworld we good

[–] Fades 2 points 3 weeks ago

They’re going to do that comic run where Billy/Tommy/Vision find Wanda with Doom but she has no memories. Doom will use Wanda to form battle world.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Oof. I have no faith that Secret Wars can be done correctly under current Marvel leadership.

It would be nice if it works.

Though, I have to admit, casting Klaw well showed excellent foresight.

Edit: Yes. Oof. Thor Love and Thunder was a hot mess. The Marvels was quite fun, but didn't quite seem to know which story it wanted to tell. Secret Wars - the show - was an almost complete waste of time. Past MCU set a very high bar, and several recent entries have been misses.

And if all that's not enough to further piss everyone off, I'll say it. Ant Man: Quantomania was the best MCU film, in recent memory. Bwahahaha!

[–] MimicJar 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I think the leadership is fine. I think former Disney CEO Bob Chapek did a lot of damage, but he's gone now. I think this is going to be a good year for Marvel. Obviously if I'm wrong then yeah, I'm more concerned about Secret Wars. My biggest concern is if they'll have time to set up and tell the story.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I think former Disney CEO Bob Chapek did a lot of damage

I've heard that.

I think this is going to be a good year for Marvel.

I hope so. I have zero super hero fatigue, myself. I want the best stories I grew up with lovingly shared with my life partner who doesn't (yet) read comics.

[–] Fades 1 points 3 weeks ago

Oh please, sure marvel hasn’t put out only 10/10s but there have been a lot of marvel wins especially recently, Agatha all along and Deadpool being obvious and most recent examples.

Kang dynasty was fucked because Majors decided to be a piece of shit wife beater, etc. these things happen, that’s not leaderships fault. Sure there have been decisions that didn’t agree with fans, like What If S3, but it’s a far cry from leadership killing the MCU.

What exactly are you trying to blame Feige and friends for?Chapek made a mess and he’s gone because of it, been gone for that matter, and you’re here oofing about leadership, just when the MCU is starting to find its footing again?

The MCU has been more in tune with the comics than ever in many ways, we’re seeing more comic accurate portrayals and costumes and the like but yeah, secret wars can’t be done correctly under current leadership. Give me a break

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

Nope they should get the guy back that did Doctor Horrible, Avengers was best when they were so quippy