Can anyone help? Firefox will allow me to log into lemmy.wold but I cant stay logged in, if I refresh the page it logs me out consistently.
A community for discussion about Mozilla Firefox.
Does clearing site data for and then logging in help?
not sure, I'll try
Nope, didnt work
I have cleared from history and cleared my cache, but its still happening. I can log in fine and browse stories fine, but when I hit refresh button it logs me out. And it never remembers me so I have to log back in every time I come to the site.
Do you have extension that could be clearing them automatically?
I'll relaunch without addons and check
Ok its weird, so when I reload the browser in safe mode, I can log in and stay logged in, which is what I want. So I reloaded the browser and went through my addons one at a time disabling them and logging into lemmy, refreshing, but none of the addons seems to be the cause.
However I discovered this weird tidbit. Whenever I hit refresh button, I get logged out of lemmy, but if I hold left shift and refresh, I get logged in to lemmy immediately... thats super weird and seems to indicate that its a firefox setting of some kind and not an addon issue.
I've had that same issue with and Firefox forever. Let us know if you ever conclusively figure it out. I've been tempted to use the debugging console or even an HTTP debugging proxy to track it down.
It's strictly limited to Lemmy. (.world is all I use) So it can't be entirely the fault of Firefox. Lemmy is doing something weird.