FTC actually bothering to investigate and carry out a fine? That’s fucking rare.
a11y (digital accessibility)
#Introduction This community is dedicated to discussing topics around digital accessibility and disability rights. Please be respectful following the rules below.
#Guidelines No abusive, derogatory, or offensive posts or comments. No porn, gore, NSFW, or advertisements are allowed. Do not vendor spam accessibility products or events.
#Encourageent Please ask questions and share your experiences around digital accessibility and disability rights. Please be open to other views so we can engage in respectful dialogue.
#FYI I'm waiting to add an icon or badge until alt text can be added for them in Lemmy.
Because of the target. Accessibility improvements are an enemy to capitalism.
This company should not have lied about their software's capabilities, and they definitely should face the repercussions, but this is a twofer for conservatives. Don't even try to make your shit accessible, because it's harder than you think and you might get in trouble for falling short. In short, accessibility is cumbersome and expensive.
That's the message they get to send with this prosecution. That's why you hear crickets from the deregulation crowd, and why every article (except this one, well done) will go into great detail about the complexities of accessibility overlays while glossing over the anti-consumer practices that actually resulted in fines.