On the topic, you can easily contribute to the OpenStreetMap without any knowledge of it by using StreetComplete app, you just answer easy questions like "What is this road made of" and make OSM better
A place to share interesting articles from Wikipedia.
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- Please stick to the format "Article Title (other descriptive text/editorialization)"
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- On Casual Tuesdays, we allow submissions from wikis other than Wikipedia.
- If possible, when submitting please delete the "m." from "en.m.wikipedia.org". This will ensure people clicking from desktop will get the full Wikipedia website.
- Use the search box to see if someone has previously submitted an article. Some apps will also notify you if you are resubmitting an article previously shared on Lemmy.
I've come to really enjoy OSM in recent months. It was spurred by rumors that Google was going to inject ads into their navigation, so in looking for an alternative (out of principle) I came across OSMAnd. OSMAnd has Android Auto support in the paid version, so I bought it. You can actually get the fully unlocked version of OSMAnd from F-Droid, but unfortunately installing it that way doesn't support Android Auto because of Google's bullshit.
Anyway, that lead me down the path of checking out OpenStreetMaps. openstreetmap.org has a nice tutorial to get you started, and you can also edit stuff from various Android apps (including OSMAnd).
I've added speed limits to roads around me, updated business information (hours, phone number, etc.) around me, etc. Obviously unless more people contribute it's always going to lag behind Google Maps, but I like the fact that I'm contributing to something open.
Yes, there are ads in Google Maps navigation for sure. Prominent icons for Taco Bell in the nav view
OrganicMaps with TTS works fine enough but no traffic