Syria - سوريا
Community about Syria and it's surrounds. Arabic and English posts are accepted.
Community artwork was set by previous mod. Leaving in place for time being.
Icon: Flag of Syria and the Syrian revolution, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
Banner: Bernard Gagnon, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
All links and categories below in no particular order, updated over time.
News, analysis, zines
Syria Untold
EA Worldview | Syria
Enab Baladi
The New Arab | Post-Assad Syria
New Lines Magazine | Syria
aNtiDoTe Zine | Syria
The Palestine Chronicle | Syria
Middle East Eye | Syria after Assad
ANF | Rojava-Syria
Medya News | Syria
El Pais | Siria
UnHerd | Syria
Common Dreams | Syria
Syria Direct
The Kyiv Independent
ANF English | Rojava-Syria
Al Majalla | Syria
Al Jazeera | Syria
Muslim Girl
UN News | Syria
TIMEP | Syria
Aymenn’s Monstrous Publications (subscription required)
Art and culture
ISIS Prisons Museum
The Markaz Review
Non government organisations
Syrian Network for Human Rights
Justice For Life
Synergy Association For Victims
Human Rights organisations
Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC)
History, research and investigation
The Syrian Memory Project
MENA Research Center
Bellingcat | Syria