Meanwhile, I took apart the dash on my Nissan a couple months ago and founda bunch of missing bolts. Nissan never put in a recall for it.
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Have you reported it?
That'd be like the same position (on each shift) not showing up to work for like 3 weeks straight or something
More than likely missing or unclear work instructions. Don't blame the line when something like this happens on a regular basis.
Kia said the defect was due to a worker error at the plant.
Yeah, the line will get the blame, but it's on the engineers and management team.
I'd agree with your assessment.
Even If the only thing missing was the worker, the fact that the line still ran speaks volumes.
Where's QC?
Having worked in QC, my guess is that QC were probably aware of risk, communicated this to management, but management and/or engineering refused to invest the time and/or resources to prevent the defect.
My experience in QC was excruciatingly frustrating and is the reason I left that job.