Foundation. Up to the latest episode. Generally liking it, and happy that the latest episode sort of steadied the boat in terms of consistency with the core of the books idea. But I’m still struggling with what feels like some vibe or writing clunkiness that is preventing me from liking it more or as much as I want to.
Apple TV+ Community
This is a community for Apple TV+ discussions (the service, not the Apple TV device).
Here you can discuss news about shows, changes to the service and other matters.
New episodes of shows tend to drop at midnight UTC. Daylight savings may or may not shift this an hour.
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- Don't ask for or share any pirated material, this includes "clever" hints
- Don't editorialize links. Use the article's title as the title of your post
- Keep posts and comments relevant to the service in general and news about new content
- Try to keep episode discussions in the relevant communities, you're free to (cross)post to/about episode discussion threads in relevant communities
- No tech support
- For the time being, to bootstrap the community, crossposts of archived Reddit posts by the Lemmit bot that show up in [email protected] are allowed
- Try to be logical about crossposts
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- Lemmit crossposts need to be tagged with [Lemmit]
Other communities with related topics:
I'm finally getting into The Witcher season 3.
Harley Quinn is back. Good Omens is back. Some fun summer shows!
Thoroughly enjoying Season 4 of What We Do in the Shadows. Just watched episode 3 the other night and my wife and I laughed our asses off.
Also LOVE cooking competitions. Been watching Beachside Brawl and BBQ Brawl and enjoying both.
Super excited to check out Twisted Metal on Peacock!