This doesn’t even really fit the whole ‘I’m going to hell for this’ idea either. This is just ‘I’m kind of an asshole’ territory.
While some content on this page may be offensive, it is intended as satire.
ImGoingToHellForThis is not a hate community. Any content violations should be reported, reviewed and removed.
Do not make posts that includes but is not limited to: Illegal content, rape jokes, pedo jokes or pictures of minors in sexual situations, use of racial slurs or hate speech. Excessive violence, gore, or death, and animal abuse.
Yeah. OP is the community admin though so I suppose they're free to post whatever.
But she could probably rake in way more money than him, unless he's a big twitch/youtube community. But then he'd have said "I'm a streamer". So he just wanted to be a patronizing douche.
Let people live their lives* without judging.
*does not apply to assholes and CEOs
Models can actually do modeling online, as it's still a media.
Cod players can't do real soldiering, as it's a videogame.
If they streamed cod on twitch though they're might make moneys as well, but not from soldiering, and the IG model is modeling.