Technology Memes
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- Linux Memes - Linux related memes.
- Memes - Generic memes.
- Lemmy Shitpost - Place for shitposting.
- Programmer Humor - Programming related memes.
- Technology - Community for tech news.
I haven't had to deal with this in ages. I don't know why. Are the grocery stores up here just less hostile?
I figured they'd all just given up on that nonsense. I don't think the bagging areas are even built with scales any more.
I've heard it varies by area and that the "security level" it operates at can be configured by either the store manager or by corporate on a per-store basis.
The ones around me used to be decent until they cranked the security up to the point where the machine basically stops and frisks you.
The self checkouts at the grocery store near me used to have an absolute fit every time I placed my bags on the bagging section, after pressing the "I want to use my own bags" button that it has.
Every single time I asked, the cashier said it was because the machines were calibrated so that it considered the weight of a bag equal to the (somewhat flimsy) plastic reusable grocery bags that they sold. Anything heavier must be theft! So alert an associate. And half the time I was treated like this was my fault for bringing in a heavier (sturdier) bag, lol.
After having that problem for ages they finally fixed it (/got a manager to approve fixing it), but man, chuck it on the fucking pile of reasons I don't go there unless I have to.