New permanent freckles were not what I was expecting to get after coming on T. I feel neutrally about them.
Seems like my skin recovers less quickly from sunburn, but that could just be getting older.
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New permanent freckles were not what I was expecting to get after coming on T. I feel neutrally about them.
Seems like my skin recovers less quickly from sunburn, but that could just be getting older.
not one that I've gotten but one that isn't discussed much is urinary and fecal incontinence with longterm use due to pelvic floor atrophy
From my understanding that's pretty rare. Also know plenty of cis women who've gotten that from age and/or childbirth.
In general, not enough research is done on longterm health, especially since maintaining longterm access to healthcare can be difficult for many. but here is one study on it:
as for something i have personally experienced, i didn’t expect it to physically get harder to create tears when i felt like i was gonna cry. been on t for almost 15 years now. it’s gotten a little easier but still not anywhere near as easy as when i was young.