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“Some lady came at me saying I stole her purse. I threw the professor at her but she kept coming, so then I had to hit her with this purse I found!”
What's a professor in this context?
This is a quote from Futurama.
Bender (a criminally inclined robot) was ordered to take Professor Farnsworth (a 160yo professor) on a walk though the park. This quote is him regaling the experience.
I'm greatly familiar with the show, but clearly not every episode. I can easily picture Bender tossing the professor. But without the Futurama context, I was wondering if professor was a British expression for a calculator or some nonsense.
It’s from “How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back” the episode where Hermes gets replaced by a different bureaucrat that has a fling with Fry. She’s the one who orders Bender to take the professor for a walk.
Technically you don’t see bender throw the professor (in this episode at least), just hear him talk about it before he starts badmouthing Morgan Proctor.
“Oh she’s right behind me isn’t she?”
“No I'm in front of you”
I once found an angry old guy yelling at me and claimed that I stole his gun and ammunition.
So I gave them back some of the ammo I happend to found in an abandoned house nearby, and he stopped yelling at me.