Where are the unstable ones?
Stable Dragons
A community dedicated to AI images of dragons, dragonborn, and any other dragon-like creatures.
AI models aren't limited to Stable diffusion, despite what the name suggests.
Rule 1. Avoid posting non-AI images
Please do not post non-AI generated images to this community. If you need to post your Artwork or Memes please use [email protected] instead.
Rule 2. No text only posts
This is an AI image generation community, so every post should have an image and be about the subject of an image. If you would like to make discussion posts about dragons please post it in [email protected].
Rule 3. No spamming
Do not post spam on this community of any kind. This includes advertising, cyberbegging, and use/abuse of bots to spam the community.
If users abuse bots such as the AI horde bot for spam consistently these bots will be banned from the community (abuse of these bots will also be reported to @db0).
Rule 4. No AI Debates
Do not debate or argue about the ethics of AI, do not attack people who use AI or are proponents of AI technology. Users who engage in this behavior will be temporarily or permanently banned at the discretion of our moderators, Users with a history of this behavior will be permanently banned on first offense (cannot be appealed). They may also be preemptively banned at moderator discretion.
Rule 5. No Bigotry
Users who engage in bigotry including but not limited to homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, or racism will be permanently banned. This behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Violations will also be reported to the Instance admins of dbzer0 and the user's home instance.
Rule 6. NSFW must be marked
Any post that contains:
- Sexual content
- Sexually suggestive content
- Violent content
- Controversial or potentially offensive content
Must be marked as NSFW and a warning added to the title (preferably in brackets). Additionally any post that contains:
- Bestiality
- Sexual depictions of underage characters
- Violence towards underage characters
- Extreme violence (terror content)
Will be removed, the user will be permanently banned and the admins of dbzer0 as well as the user's home instance will contacted as this content is often illegal and poses a threat to the instance, and the health of the fediverse overall.
Rule 7. No Anti-AI trolling
Users who complain about AI-generated images, complain about their existence. Doom and gloom about the AI future, etc. Will be banned from this community on sight.
Anti-AI sentiment or opinions is a completely valid stance to have, but this is an AI friendly community on an AI friendly instance. It will not be tolerated here.
In addition users attempting to suppress this community or to suppress the users who post within it will be banned when/if discovered, even if they never posted to this community before.
Rule 8. Moderator harassment is a KOS
Any and all harassment towards moderators of this community is KOS (kill on sight) and will result in an immediate and permanent un-appealable ban from this community, and may result in bans from the communities or sites these moderators may also moderate.
I guess one could say the Avatar and banner are the unstable ones, since they use DALL-E models and not stable diffusion. Though I guess one could argue that even the stable diffusion ones generated by the horde are unstable too, after all this was my last attempt on the horde to get it to draw a green dragon on a rocky mountain top:
AI Horde dragon generation attempt
That's terrible, how did it mess out so bad? @[email protected] draw for me a green dragon on a rocky mountain-top style:flux
I have no clue, it's possible the worker I got was malfunctioning, but I guess it also could've been something that Artbot, the frontend I used to access AIhorde, introduced when making the attempt.
I did also try a different one, I tried to get one of an Iridescent blue-green dragon bathing in a pond on a tropical beach with the moon reflecting off the ocean.
This is what I got:
Attempted dragon image (Fair warning, slightly suggestive)
I don't know why it gave me one of a human instead of a dragon and also why it did not contain the ocean or the moon at all. Seems like something went wrong either with Artbot or the workers I was getting.
I guess I'll try again with horde bot, @[email protected] draw for me a winged iridescent blue-green dragon bathing in a small pond with a tropical beach in the background, palm trees next to the pond. The moonlight is glistening off the ocean behind him. style:flux