Awesome read. Reminds me of never ending night long trials to reinstall Wxp on my first PC. Good memories
Windows XP
Welcome to a community dedicated to the legacy of Microsoft’s Windows XP, an operating system released in 2001 that continues to have a dedicated following.
Community Guidelines:
Relevance: All posts should be related to Windows XP. Off-topic discussions will be moderated.
Respect: We encourage a positive and respectful discourse. Hate speech, personal attacks, and any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.
Piracy: Discussing piracy is allowed for educational purposes, but sharing links to pirated or potentially harmful software is strictly prohibited:
ISO Files: Linking to clean, verified ISO files is permitted. Please refer to the resources below for verification. Modified ISOs are not allowed.
Unofficial Updates: Sharing unofficial "service packs" or other community-made update/software packs is not allowed. Please refer to the official resources for these.
Piracy Tools: Sharing keys, activators, or other tools that facilitate piracy is forbidden.
Our primary goal is to preserve the legacy of Windows XP while ensuring community safety. As a reminder, though it's not a rule, we strongly advise against using Windows XP on personal devices dealing with sensitive data due to potential security risks.
Let's work together to keep this community safe, informative, and respectful.
Useful Resources:
- An archive of SHA1 hashes from MSDN before its shutdown. Use this to verify the integrity/authenticity of Microsoft-provided ISO files, including XP.
- Ensures Windows Update functionality on discontinued Windows versions. All updates are directly sourced from Microsoft's servers.
Community FAQ: Further information regarding our community and its rules, values, and goals.
Hell yeah! This also belongs on !retrocomputing