I was wondering why HW3 was "controversial" and apparently I didn't realize:
- It's been released.
- It's worse than the first 2
- Because Gearbox is publishing it!
Thanks Randy! Fucking grease weasel ruins another great franchise.
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I was wondering why HW3 was "controversial" and apparently I didn't realize:
Thanks Randy! Fucking grease weasel ruins another great franchise.
Good guy Denuvo protecting us from purchasing bad games on release. :)
One if my saddest game related moments this year: The release of Homeworld 3.
This video sums it all up well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuonl50R6Eo
Allow me to do this one more time:
RIP Homeworld 3... you could have been amazing.
I didn't realise it went so poorly. I was watching trailers thinking it looks awesome. No wonder it all just dropped off the map
Good info. Good takes. Good comment.
The greaseman strikes again
Good move, too bad it's tied to an incredibly bad game that ruins the franchise. Thanks a fucking lot Randy you sleazeball. Never trust Gearbox with anything.
Sorry, already lost interest.
Ohh denuvo gonna lose revenue?
Bok bok