this post was submitted on 21 Oct 2024
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top 4 comments
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[–] Lost_My_Mind 1 points 38 minutes ago (1 children)

I don't get it......why has EVERYBODY ALWAYS hated Disco Inferno? It's not like this is some new thing either. He was this despised back in 1997. I never got the hate.

He's not the best wrestler of all time, but it's not like he had a WCW title run or anything. He was just a fun little midcard comedy act. And everybody acts like he was worse than David Arquette.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 minutes ago

He wasn't so much 'hated' back in the 90s so much as no one gave a shit about him (because as you said: he was just a 'fun little midcard comedy act'). He was a competent wrestler, enough to get a spot on a regularly televised wrestling show in Bischoff's eyes at the very least, but he had a ceiling and he was bumping his head against it from the first on screen appearance.

The hate comes from the same place a lot of wrestlers hate comes from now-a-days: He thinks he's king shit and all his own thoughts are correct and speaks from a place of authority on the topic of modern wrestling on several public platforms where the entire world can see him showing his ass in live action and as such everyone (rightfully) dogpiles on him including numerous other wrestlers who have accomplished more in shorter times than Disco ever was capable of.

Sadly he's the equivalent of an orange cat: He only has 1 brain cell and it's shared with other people.

But hey he can do the disco dance thing I guess lol.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 15 hours ago

Hey, not even mosquitos are as bad as Disco, how dare you compare Vampires to that guy.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 19 hours ago

I feel you have really fucked up if Tony Khan is joining in. That dude loves old wrestlers