this post was submitted on 19 Oct 2024
5 points (100.0% liked)

Perchance - Create a Random Text Generator

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⚄︎ Perchance

This is a Lemmy Community for, a platform for sharing and creating random text generators.

Feel free to ask for help, share your generators, and start friendly discussions at your leisure :)

This community is mainly for discussions between those who are building generators. For discussions about using generators, especially the popular AI ones, the community-led Casual Perchance forum is likely a more appropriate venue.

See this post for the Complete Guide to Posting Here on the Community!


1. Please follow the Lemmy.World instance rules.

2. Be kind and friendly.

  • Please be kind to others on this community (and also in general), and remember that for many people Perchance is their first experience with coding. We have members for whom English is not their first language, so please be take that into account too :)

3. Be thankful to those who try to help you.

  • If you ask a question and someone has made a effort to help you out, please remember to be thankful! Even if they don't manage to help you solve your problem - remember that they're spending time out of their day to try to help a stranger :)

4. Only post about stuff related to perchance.

  • Please only post about perchance related stuff like generators on it, bugs, and the site.

5. Refrain from requesting Prompts for the AI Tools.

  • We would like to ask to refrain from posting here needing help specifically with prompting/achieving certain results with the AI plugins (text-to-image-plugin and ai-text-plugin) e.g. "What is the good prompt for X?", "How to achieve X with Y generator?"
  • See Perchance AI FAQ for FAQ about the AI tools.
  • You can ask for help with prompting at the 'sister' community Casual Perchance, which is for more casual discussions.
  • We will still be helping/answering questions about the plugins as long as it is related to building generators with them.

6. Search through the Community Before Posting.

  • Please Search through the Community Posts here (and on Reddit) before posting to see if what you will post has similar post/already been posted.

founded 2 years ago

Hello @[email protected],

Thanks for implementing posting to multiple galleries, this has been very useful! Looking forward for model updates. I came up with short list of further improvements for the UI.


  • Add a button to 'share' already existing generated image to another gallery in the same generator (reupload it to another gallery on the same gen).
  • Add the ability for the image owner to 'delete' the image from the gallery (maybe implement it as giving the image lowest score possible). It's quite absurd that the image authors can not delete their own creations, or at least hide them from everyone.


  • The way how custom room creation is implemented is IMO currently quite silly. Anyone can post arbitrary amount of rooms anywhere, and all hundreds will be added as tabs automatically (even if temporary). Also the attention of the user is not drawn enough to the newly created room. IMO, it makes sense to instead underline the room as if it is a link, inviting a user to click. On click, the room would open, even if it was previously open - then just switch focus to that room.
  • Make it possible to share galleries within comments in form of a link, clicking on a link should add a tab on the gallery quick access you've recently implemented and open the gallery.

P.S. t2i by default uses a gigantic emoji pack, which is really great and has wide variety of emojis that are really fun. I assume these were downloaded from one of these sites that offer free emojis/stickers? Any plans to update them? I know that gen owners can add their own, but all popular gens are owned by the staff (or so the story goes). Would you add a small emoji pack I've made into the default list that t2i uses?

weasel_eww = 78b0b8619a440661dc7eae5b6b0b8174.png
weasel_angery1 = 09c65257bce2dbcbff3d4199da1924f3.png
weasel_what1 = 08585158becf45446541832f7830aa04.png
weasel_surprised = 841e86f81d6aede99e25402bfbb3c935.png
weasel_tired = f90a0fdc2831bfeea2b00e13b4c1794f.png
weasel_angery2 = 80a58b1eee31b4b9d9ec5b9e55f92d6a.png
weasel_sleeping = 62da5d73e80cdb67ab2919753eb96926.png
weasel_what2 = 2b08484dc2339ec37a71627c026f6222.png
weasel_happy1 = 60c16d39b27ea3689175eb57108b1c76.png
weasel_curious2 = a784e1ddf86ad3cc715b68c0b8c2e18f.png
weasel_curious1= 41f00b405892f5888b21baa991297b7c.png
top 1 comments
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[–] perplexity 3 points 3 months ago

Sneaky ping in the comment @[email protected] as suggested by someone else in here. 😁