this post was submitted on 18 Oct 2024
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β€œI know there was a big push from a lot of the boys, and I’m down with this too, Monty Brown was someone that was up for consideration but it seemed like they were having a hard time getting ahold of Monty Brown, he’s off the grid it seems like. He would’ve been a really killer candidate too considering it was in Detroit.”

top 3 comments
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[–] TheCelticPirate 4 points 2 months ago

Must have had trouble when it was obviously time for him to beat Jarrett for the title, too.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I loved the Monty Brown character, but if he's moved on and it seems clear he has, it's time to respect that and let him do his own thing.

I do hope one day he will accept an offer to be inducted.

[–] Lost_My_Mind 3 points 2 months ago

Fans need to realize one thing. It doesn't matter how much you love wrestling. It doesn't matter how much you love this wrestler or that wrestler. 100% of them, since the begining of carny days, have always viewed this as a business. This is their job. This is how they earn money. Nothing more.

Fans might argue over "this guy should have beat that guy". The only reason wrestlers care who beats them is because their whole paycheck is tied to their image.

If John Cena could have sold 3X the number of T-Shirts by getting pinned everynight, then he'd have had a gillberg run.

Monty Brown hasn't been a TNA wrestler for almost 20 years. Imagine if a job from 20 years ago called you and asked you to accept an award. They might pay you a bit of money for the night, but thats it.

For most wrestlers, Rhyno for example, when they get this hall of fame night, they can use it to drive sales of their post-career. They can charge more at conventions, because the convention doesn't advertise Rhyno. The convention advertises TNA Hall of Famer, Rhyno. That's extra money in Rhynos pay for that, and any future nights.

The hall of fame is meaningless. It's not a sport. They could put CM Punk in their hall of fame, even if he doesn't show, and only worked there for 2 months, 20 years ago. Doesn't mean anything.

But for Monty Brown, who's not doing conventions, it's extra meaningless because it's 1 night of trivial amount of money, but it doesn't help him in the future.

Go ask any fan who won the 1992 royal rumble, and they'll if they were old enough to see it live, they'll get nostolgic. They may even have a tear in their eye.

Now go ask Goldberg that same question. You think he gives a shit? The ONLY wrestler I can think of who treats wrestling as fans do, is Bret Hart.

To everyone else, this is a paycheck.