Title: PBS Eons
Type: Youtube Channel
Vibes: Science, archaeology, paleontology, ancient earth, bite-sized chunks of information (about 6-10 minutes of content per video)
Good Trip Qualities: Fun for the science-enjoying layman, good pacing, good balance between staying accessible and being detailed, lots of "whoa I didn't know that" moments and topics, less fluffy than standard nature TV shows
Harsh Qualities: The outro (final 1-2 minutes) can be a bit jarring/boring/cringe (also super easy to skip), topics covered inevitably include themes such as death and extinction but it's handled tastefully, the series may be too brainy for those on particularly intense voyages and not brainy enough for those well-versed in the topics covered
Link: https://www.youtube.com/@eons
Other: Part of PBS Digital Studios (check out for similar videos on different subjects) http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios