Configure automatic login and encrypt your drive. Shows only "enter passphrase" and is actually secure instead of just a cosmetic password prompt.
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slight disagree. While encryption is very useful, it requires a full shutdown or hibernation to do what a normal "sleep" or "lock" would do. definitely not the most convenient setup. I'd say OP should just change his username to something else.
Hibernation does not take that long with a modern ssd. Convenience and security often don't go hand in hand. Locking the laptop usually is sufficient too for switching trains etc.
I'm not on Debian, but a quick search led me to this wiki link from Arch. Give it a whirl:
Edit: context of the Arch wiki link, in case better answers can be gleaned from it, I found it on AskUbuntu:
OP, you might want to just change your username.
how will it know which user to pass over to PAM log in? i think the best way would be to edit the gdm source code, hardcode your username into it, remove the output of names, and compile your own. it will be a lot of work though.
I dont know of an easy, clean and elegant way of doing what you ask. I wonder what happens if you edit /etc/passed with the new name, I wouldn't dare to try. The way I'd proceed though is to start a bare repo with my dotfiles, so if anything happens, I'm back in business with minimal configuration changes.
This is a video about bare git repo:
Stolen from this other video: