A place for Heathcliff comics and their edits.
Wha- This... What is this? I don't even...
The version with Heathcliff present makes no more sense.
Did George Gately go through a Dada phase?
Gately retired in 98. His nephew Peter Gallagher, not the actor, aka NAPG, was given control of Heathcliff. Gallagher has gone full, anti-joke, absurdist, dada. Jimmy and Garbage Ape is a Gallagher creation.
Garbage Ape is celebrated for his banging of garbage cans. Jimmy is not celebrated by anyone except Heathcliff. They are two sides of a coin. This is basically two great characters showing up in the same panel as an all star cast.
...I celebrate Jimmy
I should have qualified that those statements are in universe. In our world we all celebrate Jimmy.
All my jomies celebrate Jimmy.
Is "jomies" pronounced "homies" here?
And so it's really "Himmy"?