Jajajajajaja celebro el que haya podido subir un meme que no se tenga que bajar :)
corto shitposting
El Ají Verde de las comunidades chilenas de internet. Pongan acá todo el shitposting que quieran. OC y ~~robado~~ recuperado permitido.
Si es NSFW márquenlo como tal, ponga [NSFW]. Si es NSFL por favor igual ponganle [NSFL].
(Aún así, por acá se permite lo sano generalmente. Queda a criterio del watón a cargo (_donnadie_) o nuestro querido admin.)
Eso, pásenla bien, sean respetuosos y se me cuidan.
I’m OOTL. Who is this?
This is a meme from Chile.
The guy on the left impersonated the guy on the right (a minister) to stole some computers. The guy on the right has been on the public eye for some shady business from some ONG.
It's about chilean politics. The guy in the right is a politician being investigated for corruption. The guy in the left supposedly tricked a guard in a videocall, impersonating this politician, to steal computers that may have evidence. Google news about Giorgo Jackson.