Explanation: Early in the days of the Empire, the famous Roman general Germanicus took charge of a punitive campaign against the Germanic tribes for the loss of 3 Legions at the Teutoburg Forest by ambush a couple of years earlier. Germanicus was a swell, stand-up guy, real nice, real patient. With Romans.
With barbarians? Well, he was not nearly so kind. He spared the tribes allied to Rome (for obvious reasons), but any tribe which opposed Rome got an exceptionally brutal scorched earth campaign. Germanicus was not in Germania to get rich - he was there to get revenge, and boy, did it show. At the Battle of Idistaviso, when up against the mastermind of the Teutoburg ambush, Arminius, Germanicus exhorted his men to cut down every last hostile Germanic, as nothing less than the extermination of all the hostile tribes would buy Rome peace. Y I K E S. Past ain't pretty. Not that the Germanics were any better, mind, but it's gruesome either way it slices.
But we're here to meme, so barbarians aren't people and they got what they deserved!