That section covers your concern
Welcome to the official community for LibreWolf.
LibreWolf is designed to increase protection against tracking and fingerprinting techniques, while also including a few security improvements. LibreWolf also aims to remove all the telemetry, data collection and annoyances, as well as disabling anti-freedom features like DRM. If you have any question please visit our FAQ first:
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That section covers your concern
What I don't get is why they don't allow users to decide if they want to connect to Mozilla or not with an option in the settings. Libre means being free (to choose in this case), not being forced.
~~They do. It’s called Deny and it’s right there in the screenshot.~~ never mind. I see it was me who misunderstood.
But they want to bitch and moan and wave their pitchforks around because their privacy is obviously being violated. 🙄
@TheWorldRolledMe "LibreWolf also maintains an open WebSocket towards Mozilla's push server to check wether you have received push notifications from websites you have subscribed to."
An app that is developed privacy in mind should never connect to anywhere without consent.
Also, I really don't need any freakin' push notifications from websites. I'm not "subscribing" to anything - or never will. What is that even - I didn't know I can subscribe through Mozilla to websites. Weird.
without consent…
~~Um… isn’t that what the screenshot is asking for? I’m missing the part where you’re being forced without consent?~~
Edit: I misunderstood the above screenshot. My apologies.
@dohpaz42 Nope, that is a screen capture from Little Snitch (Firewall) that noticed new outgoing connection.
I just realized that. My apologies.
@OH3CUF @librewolf I wonder how Mullvad Browser would fare in the same circumstance
@JP3REM @librewolf @JP3REM @librewolf Very badly. I killed the app after 9 requests by just opening the app (and nothing else) and it kept going on. Probably the connections to IP-addresses are Tor-nodes but who knows what they are? (can only attach 4 images in one toot).
Same thing here; telemetry for Mozilla and for many plugin developers (I couldn't attach here but at least three call-homes for the plugins based on the server name).
@OH3CUF @librewolf @mullvadnet Just to clarify, that's just opening the browser without any tabs or 'home page'?