Don't forget your disdain for the uneducated.
Political Humor
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Well that’s why we need to privatize education so only the rich can afford it, duh
One would think the solution to hating the poorly educated would be the opposite. Eliminate them by making quality education ubiquitous.
For me its the hurdle of always having to win people's favor. I'm an ethnic minority in my region and I get mean mugged all the time. That doesn't happen in a neighborhood with my ethnicity. I still try to be nice but I'm tired and I want to move.
This. Goddamn exhausting. Worst, you can often see the weird desperate-fear behind the mean mug stare down. Whether I return a smile or match frowns typically gets the same quick look away when you're built tall too.
It's utterly exhausting and what does winning that favor get more often than not? "One of the good ones." "You're not like the.. " "[Race] typically is like, but not you". Et-fucking-cetera.
I see you and understand the experience, fellow Human amongst the shortsighted, and I'm so goddamn sorry we gotta go through it.
"I'm just another kind of bigot"
This is my wife. We're a mixed race couple, I'm white. She's always talking about diversity. At some point, when she didn't want to send our kids to a public elementary school in a very diverse area despite it being very well rated, it occurred to me she was talking about racial diversity of rich people, not socioeconomic diversity.