Errant bats from the experimental bat bomb set fire to the Carlsbad Army Airfield Auxiliary Air Base in New Mexico.
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Reading the wiki is akin to reading a Monty Python dialogue script. Unbelievable.
So next Thursday 'what animal did the u.s. want to use to bomb Japan?
Based on your username
Leave it to humans to achieve cruelty beyond imagination, and then continue to surpass it wherever possible.
With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man.
Each article linked is as sad and disturbing as this one 😓
The "See also" section makes me a bit bummed to be a human.
The Fat Electrician on YouTube has a great video on the history of this. In general he has a bunch of great videos in various weird interesting military history.
Now that's some creative thinking
I didn't know bat baths were that big, but good for them, and self care in general