Used to be a black slave was "ew" for looking at lilly white women because he was defined as an inferior, "low worth" social status and then he might be lynched.
"Ew" just means racism, fascism, and caste system.
Fragments, aphorisms, and observations of the Order of the Ages
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Used to be a black slave was "ew" for looking at lilly white women because he was defined as an inferior, "low worth" social status and then he might be lynched.
"Ew" just means racism, fascism, and caste system.
Maybe it has something to do with object-ing, a consumable not cared for or respected.
Mastication is kind of "gross" but people get hungry (desire) and savour taste. Teeth do not look pleasant, almost menacing.
Not old enough to be anyone's father. No kids. Not an incest taboo. Have you ever heard highschool or college students say, "ew gross Dad" to each other in courtship situations?
No. There is class "ew." They ew poor kids. Are the rich afraid of being infected by the hungry?