"Liberty". These people always coopting words to use their opposite meaning.
Welcome to lemmy.ml/c/transgender! This is a community for sharing transgender or gender diverse related news articles, posts, and support for the community.
Bigotry, transphobia, racism, nationalism, and chauvinism are not allowed.
Selfies are not permitted for the safety of users.
No surveys or studies.
Debating transgender rights is not allowed. Transgender rights are human rights. Debating transgender healthcare is not allowed. Transgender healthcare is a necessity.
No civility policing transgender people. Transgender people have a right to be angry about transphobia and be rude to transphobes.
If you are cis, do not downvote posts. We don't like you manipulating our community.
Posts about dysphoria/trauma/transphobia should be NSFW tagged for community health purposes.
For both cis and trans people: Please alter your username (if possible) to include pronouns (or lack thereof, or questioning) so no one misgenders anyone. details. This rule is important for maintaining a safe place. If you can't change your ID, please let a mod know and include it in your bio.
Leftist infighting is not allowed.
Please remember to report posts that break any of these rules, it makes our job easier!
If you are looking for a more secure and safe trans space, we suggest you visit https://hexbear.net/c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns. While we will try our best, lemmy.ml/c/transgender is far more open to the fediverse, and also to trolls. One of the site admins of lemmy.ml, nutomic, is also a transphobe, while hexbear is ran mostly by trans people and has a very active trans community.
The only liberty they care about is their own liberty. Everyone else can go do one.
Being trans at the Jerry Farwell university sounds like hell. I'm not surprised she got fired, they 100% think she's an abomination. I wonder if she'll start to question her faith now that she got fired. I at least assume she's religious, it's liberty university, after all. I hope she wins.
Am i reading this wrong or did they, black on white, put in her termination paper that the reason is the gender??? Even in the US this has to b illegal right?
Fun fact: Liberty University has a required course where they teach you to get hired, because Liberty grads are fucking jokes.