that's it yuta you're outta the blackpool combat club
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Claudio is going to ground him from the weird shuffle back and forth dance
I saw that for the first time the other was that? I thought they fucked it up.....but no. That's what it's SUPPOSED to look like.
leyla and diamante are crushing it <3
These two are insane
There's blood on the dance floor!
Thumb tacks making an early appearance!
Get up! Get on the floor! Everybody bleed like a dinosaur!!!
Yeah, I know it doesn't make sense, but I just watched the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie yesterday. So it's still stuck in my head.
Ok.....fuck rampage. I'll catch it later. This card is AMAZING.
Y'all are going to need to try harder to get me to boo Dark Order
Just be like Simon Miller. Cheer everyone for having a good time! Or be like me. Drink so much vodks that hou're just like duuuuurrrrttt I LOVE IT!!!
I could swear Audrey did the last PPV, but maybe he meant overall for the first woman referee in a ROH PPV.
also ruby soho just came on yt music and it made me remember how much i miss ruby
Do you know how cool it was hanging out with her, at indy shoes, eating mcdonalds chicken nuggets, at kndy shows just shooting the shit???
God damn I miss seeing her every month at my local indy.....
Damn you Angelo Parker!
/u/GeekFTW is surprisingly quiet. Is he not watching??? He's missing a great show, that I'm absolutely going to watch again.
HOLY SHIT!!! This holds up with ANY death match I've ever seen. Big fans of both of these ladies now.
That match was awesome!!!
I'm seeing this 58 minutes after the fact,so I'm not entirely sure WHICH match you mean.......but also yes. I agree!
See??? This is EXACTLY what Toni Storm is always talking about. Chin up, tits out, and WATCH FOR THE SHOOOEEEEE!!!!!
Love me some Outrunners and Top Flight
Have they done Outrunners vs FTR?
Not that I can recall
Well......that needs to either happen, or they need to be a double team.
God I love the pure title. I LOVE these matches!!!
The changes are so simple but I love it
The crowd loving Mortos as they should!
This is THE ONE BELT I wish AEW would take. Is it bad that I say THIS match is match of the night??? I just said that about the LAST match.....
Am I just going to love this whole card???
That's a good time if every match does that!
I only know Griff Garrison because I downloaded him on Fire Pro Wrestling World. He's very easy to work with in fire promoter.
The butt eyes are a problem lol
Stir it up!
Not related to this match, but I got a double pretzal covered in strawberry yogart. An ALDIs special.
We are all double pretzels covered in strawberry yogurt on this blessed day!
The infantry coming out as X-Men!
MxM in the house!
I don't know who this guy in the blue is, but I like his gear.
That's "The Captain" Shawn Dead and Carlie "Bad news and tattoos" Bravo!
Oh wait, they both have MATCHING gear!!! Thats cool!!!
We already saw you two fight!!!
I'm pretty sure Yuta is dead
Nooooooooo!!!!!! I like Wheeler Yuta. I have a picture of him clean shaven that makes me laugh.