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Man i dont even have to look at the account name anymore, just see rage-click-bait headlines and you know its this twat.
He's hilighted in red and tagged as a fascist propagandist. It makes it much nicer to surf Lemmy when the bots, trolls, and propagandists are tagged.
Edit: words
Thank you for taking the time to share your views instead of just joining the downvote mobs.
I know that life is much easier when you can stick your head in the sand and just label everyone that does not think or agree with you as "bots, trolls, and propagandists.". When I was younger, I also did a similar thing on Reddit.
We must remember to not construct our own echo chambers while deluding ourselves as having the higher moral ground.
We must continue to be willing to talk with any working-class people, even if we do not agree or share their views.
I hope to continue to see you and encourage others, as well, to interact with my communities or posts; echo chambers are not healthy, and I thank you for pushing back on my own bias.
Everyone can see what you are. It's useless to engage with propagandists because it just amplifies their message.
I do not agree with your view, and that is okay; we may come to a compromise on other topics in the future.
There is no chance that we could find a compromise that would be acceptable to me. Your opening position is untennably extreme. Some positions are simply unworthy of negotiation.
Thanks for letting me know. All is well; have a joyful day either way!