35M, 35F, kids
We currently hold a significant amount of CASH.TO as we are moving from saving our money in HISA to investing it : it represents around half of our current holdings, and is decreasing every month at a pace we are confortable with.
Excluding CASH, we have 2 model portfolios :
• Registered accounts, based on XEQT with reduced exposure to Canada: •• 60% XUU •• 25% XEF •• 10% XEC •• 5% XIC
• Non registered accounts, based on registered accounts with a tilt toward Fama and French factors: •• 75% of portfolio is based on the model of the registered accounts •• 17% AVUV •• 8% AVDV
Those portfolios are balanced with new money or if they drift significantly (ie ±10%) from target.
Long term, we plan to keep this investment strategy based on market capitalization.