This is messing with my sense of scale. I thought it was a little model next to a pothole
History Ruins
What is a ruin? We’re running off of “You know it when you see it” at the moment. Ruins should be non-functioning structures of some age, or their function reduced to tourism and the like.
Generally speaking, specific items from a ruin should go to !
Illustrations of ruins (or their reconstructions) should go to !
Photos of ruins back when they were functioning should go to !
"Hey, AAA? I got stuck in a pothole."
"Stay calm, we'll send someone for your car. How deep is the pothole?
Can only imagine what it must have been like, traveling the silk road during the 13th century, staying a night at the Caravanserai of Obruk Han. I wonder how many dropped treasures lie at the bottom of the sinkhole 🤔
It's wild what archeologists find and where they find them. Ancient garbage dumps, down drainage pipes, bricked up behind walls - people lose things everywhere. The more things change, the more they stay the same, right?
Great place to throw your trash away