Could listen to Shuuchi Ikeda narration all day. Speaking of VAs, Mikako Komatsu is killing it and also noticed that she was also the MC in one of director Tatsuo Satou's previous series in Mouretsu Pirates (slightly more composed and less screamy role though, also I still need to watch the movie). Comedic timing is still on point and I loved the stingers revealing Azudora's health. The expression on the face of those ouroboros-y looking deep green rings are fun.
Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan.
Anime; the one thing that gets us closer to each other and brings us together.
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This show continues to be very watchable, despite the low budget.
The art and character designs are almost a throwback to the 90s.
As @[email protected] noted the comedic timing is working great.
A comedy with possibly something more serious going on with the plot in the background.
The girls are so pretty in this anime, one of the best artstyles I've seen.
Very good comedy show and we wait for the dark secret to be reaveled. Quite similar setup to maho shojou magical destroyers but with actual plot in every episode.
Watched the two episodes currently out yesterday and all I can say is ... meh.
I guess it's a goofy show, but the comedy just didn't land for me or was largely predictable.