this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
26 points (88.2% liked)

Stable Diffusion Art

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(OdiousStooge) (2024)

Image description: A large tortoise in the heart of a dense jungle. Green light filters through the canopy above onto the tortoise’s orange shell, providing a stark contrast against its dark blue-green skin.

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A vast, overgrown jungle where a giant turtle makes its way through the dense foliage. The turtle's massive shell is a miniature ecosystem, covered in giant, bioluminescent mushrooms that emit a soft, ethereal glow. Birds and small creatures nest among the fungi, adding life and movement to the scene. The turtle's slow, deliberate steps cause the ground to tremble slightly, and the glowing mushrooms light up its path through the dark, verdant jungle, in the style of decaying animatronic, claymation, VHS screen grab, grainy, old footage, in the style of an old 80's VHS dark fantasy, VHS screen grab, grainy, old footage , the scene is captured in dimly lit dark fantasy but vibrant colors, with bold ink lines defining form against the watercolor wash of the aged paper

Negative prompt: BadDream, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, monochrome, grayscale, (navel, lace), text, signature, watermark

Steps: 37, CFG scale: 3.5, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, Seed: 352905922, Size: 832x1216, Created Date: 2024-06-23T2041:17.9999258Z, Clip skip: 2

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