Live Sound
A place all things relating to live sound and the people who make events happen.
(Note: this community is focused on live sound reinforcement, recording, and broadcast. For music production and post-production, editing, and other non-live audio topics, please look at the following Lemmy communities:
We welcome discussion from all corners of our industry: concerts & music, corporate events, broadcast, house of worship, etc.
All levels of skill and experience are encouraged to post and ask questions, give advice, and share stories about their work.
WE ARE NOT RIGGERS OR ELECTRICIANS - if you have questions about rigging, electrical planning, or other areas that have the capability of harming human live, please consult a professional who is qualified to give advice in that area of expertise.
Abuse, discrimination, harassment, or any other behavior deemed inappropriate by our moderation team will not be tolerated. Do not be surprised if you are banned after participating in this kind of conduct. Be kind to each other, and treat others how you would like to be treated.
If you are employed by, sponsored by, or otherwise affiliated with a manufacturer of industry-related audio equipment, we ask that you please disclose that when posting or commenting on a topic that may be relevant to said manufacturer. Failure to do so may result in post/comment deletion, bans, or other actions at the discretion of the moderation team.
As a community focused on the advancement of our industry, we discourage the posting of pseudoscience, unverified theories, or unproven myths about audio. We aim to leave room for healthy debate, but want to keep the spread of misinformation or deception to a minimum. Preventative action will be taken in this area at moderation discretion.